Search Definition and Strategy
Define Client Need
Develop Position Specification
Initiate Research
Candidate Development
Initial Candidate Identification and Evaluation
Benchmark Candidate(s)
Refine Position Specifications
Review Progress
Weekly Meetings to Review Progress
Strategize Research and Fine Tune Specifications
Continue With Interviews
Finalist Selection
Select Finalist(s)
Complete References
Negotiate Compensation, Extend Offer
Post Search Follow Up
Monitor Acceptance, Resignation & Start of Employment
Follow-Up With Client
Follow-Up With Successful Candidate
Saenger's 5-Step to Success Process
Saenger Associates utilizes an integrated five-phase approach for recruiting high-quality candidates. We emphasize a strategic partnering relationship with both the client and the candidate – well beyond the acceptance and starting date of the successful new hire(s).
What We Do For Our Clients
“Saenger Associates is so effective at selecting and narrowing down the field of key employees to three outstanding candidates that we've often wanted to hire all three candidates. They are the most responsive firm I've ever worked with and definitely provide the best attention to detail.”
Vice President, Human Resources and Administration, Fortune-500 Subsidiary

Gary L. Saenger
Founder and CEO
Founder and CEO Gary Saenger's vision of quality and commitment, with the zest of an entrepreneur, is the driving force of our firm. Gary personally helps to manage each and every search, maintaining the attention that is unprecedented in our industry. We never quit and have a 95% fill rate.